black teen girl with daisy happy , white mom with kids glad to be together

Our Services

For over 50 years Westside has been serving the mental health needs of our local community including: families dealing with the grief and loss of loved ones; those impacted by the multigenerational affects of drugs and violence; veterans who have "hidden wounds" and their families enduring the stress of their loved ones being away and in danger; vulnerable neighbors who are hurting because of loss of jobs or homes in today's difficult economy; and severely and persistently mentally ill individuals who require medication, treatment, and assistance with managing their daily lives.

Westside has a long history of serving the African American community and providing services to San Francisco’s most vulnerable populations. We serve the vulnerable, the fragile, and those impacted by life crises and transitions. With programming created by members of our community for our community, we deliver educational, health and social services to continually strengthen our local communities. We evolve to meet the health and wellness needs of our community by providing accessible, high-quality mental health and wellness services.